CIRPLEX – Circular Plastics Experience Summit – Alps-Adria

13.-15. MAI 2025

Innovative trade show and congress format

CIRPLEX (Circular Plastics Experience Summit) is a novel combination of congress and trade show. Sustainable as well as circular plastics solutions in the Alps-Adria region are presented in a single location. This unique space connects start ups with industry leaders. CIRPLEX is the hotspot for decision-makers in the plastics industry from Austria, the Alps-Adria region, Southern Germany and Central & Southeast Europe.

The congress program

13. Mai 2025: Evening pre-event with international keynote speakers

14. Mai 2025: Green Technologies & Green Deal, Waste (Value) Management Collecting, Logistics & Sorting/Washing, Circular economy in the municipalities und Life Experience Tours

15. Mai 2025: Polymer Recycling & Processing, Start Ups & Innovations, Sout East Europe 2035 und Life Experience Tours

Growth potential due to pent-up demand

HIRSCH, Glanegg, Harald Kogler

Harald Kogler, CEO Hirsch Servo AG

Within the Carinthian industrial landscape, the plastics industry represents an important focus that is well above the national average. CIRPLEX makes this core industrial competence visible and creates a new industry meeting place. I am convinced that CIRPLEX will establish itself well as a conference trade fair in the long term.
Werner Kruschitz

Werner Kruschitz, CEO KRM Kunststoff-Recycling-Maschinen GmbH

The first conference on the circular economy took place in Klagenfurt in 2022. At that time, the idea was born to develop a congress trade fair that would develop international appeal from Austria. CIRPLEX will make an important contribution to helping our neighbors in the Alps-Adriatic region and Southeast Europe develop a sustainable circular economy.

Entry prices

AdultsEUR 25,-
Online ErwachseneEUR 20,-
Jugendliche (15-19 Jahre)EUR 9,-
SeniorsEUR 4,-
Teenager (15-19 years), students, disabled peopleEUR 5,-
Familienkarte (max. 2 Erwachsene, 2 Kinder) unter Vorlage der Kärntner Familienkarte um € 6,- günstigerEUR 10,-
Kids up to 14 yearsfree
online for 10 or more people (per people)EUR 10,-
Visitor parking spaceEUR 9,-

Dogs are allowed. Leashes and muzzles are required for all dogs.


Heuer gibt es keinen Shuttle-Service zur Messe.

Contact Team CIRPLEX

Dates and Facts


Exhibition space





Download CIRPLEX Logo

our partner

Kunststoff Cluster
Logo GTV
OCC2 Logo
Hirsch Gruppe Logo
Logo KWF
Plasticker Logo
Logo Verpackung Zukunft
Lindner Logo
Starlinger Logo
UltraPolymers Logo
Fraunhofer Logo
Dolder Logo
MissionPET Logo
Logo SGZ
eumeps Logo


Gesund leben aber richtig

Begehbares Herz auf der Gesudnheitsmesse
  • Ernährungsberatung
  • Fitnesscenter & Fitnessgeräte
  • Bio- & Naturprodukte
  • Naturheilkunde & Alternativmedizin
  • Schönheit & Wohlbefinden
  • Gesundheits- & Therapiezentren

Fitness & Power

Fitness auf der Gesund Leben

Werde gemeinsam mit uns fit! Wir laden dich ein aktiv am Training auf der Bühne mitzumachen – Umkleidekabinen und Duschen sind vor Ort!

  • Under Armour HIT Training, Stretching, Modenschau
  • Yoga
  • Zumba
  • Piloxing
  • Schautrainings

ÖGK Impfaktion

Auch heuer bietet die Österreichische Gesundheitskasse Kärnten eine kostenlose Impfaktion auf der Messe an. Egal ob Erstimpfung oder Impf-Booster – ihr findet den Stand der ÖGK in der Messehalle 1 mit der Standnummer E15 . Wer sich nur schnell impfen lassen möchte, kann auch bei einem separaten Eingang (Florian-Gröger-Straße) direkt zum Impfstand. Als Dankeschön erhalten alle Impfwilligen im Anschluss einen KOSTENFREIEN ZUTRITT ZUR MESSE.
Impf-Fläschchen gegen COVID-19

Besucherfolder & Programm


Impressions 2019


Fitness, sports and therapy equipment – Infrared booths, saunas, sunbeds, hot tubs – Health resorts, thermal baths and spa hotels – Spa regions

Organic and natural products – Nutrition counselling – Health food and luxury foods – Healthy weight loss, fasting cures – Dietary supplements

Pedicure – Hair and body care – Cosmetics – Slim & Fit – Jewellery and accessories – Beauty parlours

Chambers and guilds – Medical stores – Beauty and therapy centres – Prevention and health promotion – Red Cross – Visual aids and hearing aids – Social insurance carriers

Visiting nurse services, products for nursing at home – Mobility aids – Rehabilitation (physiotherapy/occupational therapy) – Sanitary and rehabilitation aids

Acupuncture, acupressure – Aroma and colour light therapy – Bach flower therapy – Reflexology – Homeopathy – Magnetic field therapy – Massage techniques – Shiatsu – Osteopathy

Organic detergents – Feng Shui consulting – Healthy sleep – Sheep wool products

Best-selling books by health experts – Relaxation music – Literature on a healthy lifestyle

Parallel zur GESUND LEBEN findet die “19. Österreichische Messe für Körper, Geist & Seele” statt.

Alle Aussteller und Vorträge finden Sie unter

next fair

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